Source code for rstobj.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

RestructuredText Object abstraction.

import typing as T

import attr
from attrs_mate import AttrsClass

if T.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from jinja2 import Template

from .templates import env
from .option import Options

[docs]@attr.s class RstObj(AttrsClass): """ The base restructured text object. """ meta_not_none_fields = tuple() def validate_not_none_fields(self): for field in self.meta_not_none_fields: if getattr(self, field) is None: # pragma: no cover msg = "`{}.{}` can't be None!" \ .format(self.__class__.__name__, field) raise ValueError(msg) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.validate_not_none_fields() @property def template_name(self) -> str: """ Find template file. :rtype: str """ return "{}.{}.rst".format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) @property def template(self) -> 'Template': """ Return ``jinja2.Template`` instance. :rtype: str """ return env.get_template(self.template_name)
[docs] def render( self, indent: int = None, first_line_indent: int = None, **kwargs ) -> str: """ Render this object into text. :param indent: global indent. Indent length can be changed in :attr:``. :param first_line_indent: sometimes we only need to indent first line, this option will overwrite the ``indent`` argument. :param kwargs: other optional arguments. """ out = self.template.render(obj=self) if indent: origin_lines = out.split("\n") target_lines = [ ( * indent) + line.rstrip() for line in origin_lines ] if first_line_indent is not None: if first_line_indent >= 0: target_lines[0] = ( * first_line_indent + origin_lines[0].rstrip() ) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError out = "\n".join(target_lines) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def str_or_render( value: T.Union[str, 'RstObj'], **kwargs ): """ If it is a string type, then just return. If it is a RstObj type, then return the rendered string. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(value, RstObj): return value.render(**kwargs) else: return str(value)